From now on, you can calculate the prices of digital print labels yourself.
We show how to use the calculator in the video, and below we have listed a few important details about how the calculator works.
You will notice that in some cases, certain functionalities will be inactive. This means that one or another combination of parameters is technologically impossible. This way, we strive to reduce the likelihood of errors.
When calculating large quantities of labels, a function to get a special calculation from an estimator will appear. This means that printing your project using the flexographic method can result in lower costs and lower label prices.
When changing parameters, by clicking “Calculate”, the price is recalculated instantly, but the calculation is not saved. If you want to save the calculation, click “Send PDF” and your performed calculation will be sent to you by email. This means that when looking for the best price, you can try different options and save only the most suitable offer for yourself, thus avoiding a large number of calculations in your email.
After performing the calculation, you can not only save the calculation but also order labels. By choosing to order, you will need to provide additional winding and packing parameters, and the order will be sent by email to a customer service specialist.
In the calculator, you can choose urgent production within 1 business day or regular terms. If urgent production is needed, when sending the order from the system, please attach the layout(s) along with the packing data, so we can immediately start preparation and production. If you did not attach the layout, please send it as soon as possible by email, indicating the calculation number for which the layouts are intended.
We invite you to become partners in an open, constructive, and long-lasting partnership.
P.S. We are printers, not spammers. Feel safe to send your request.
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