Valuable solutions - Aurika

Valuable solutions

For packaging

Ways for increasing competitiveness might be found by blending creativity and tried-and-true printing technology. Here, we share feasible and tested solutions with you.

Packaging design created by Bold Brands agency

For labeling

We share knowledge and solutions relevant to the global tendencies of label printing and use. With them, we try to build a unique consumer experience, improve packaging communication, to turn a label into an effective sales-increasing tool.

Let’s print together!

We invite you to become partners in an open, constructive, and long-lasting partnership.
P.S. We are printers, not spammers. Feel safe to send your request.

Contact us

Contact us

How can I help you?

Questions submitted after working hours will be responded to in no later than 12 hours.

    Contact person

    Roberta Petravičiūtė

    +370 37 363 666