Sustainability - Aurika

Sustainable products

To help implement our clients’ sustainability goals, we constantly seek new and more eco-friendly alternatives for our current products. Each situation is different, thus the best way for arriving at a solution is close cooperation. Our team of professionals is ready to help.

Mono packaging

Made from a single type of plastic (PP, PE, PET) and recyclable.

Recycled packaging

Made by using ISCC Plus certified recycled material. Can be recycled if made from the same type of material. The amount of recycled material is specified.

Bio-based packaging

Made by using bio-based materials. It may or may not be ISCC Plus certified. Depends on the origin of the materials. Only certified materials are recyclable.

Compostable packaging

Made by using compostable materials. Almost all materials are composted industrially. Verification is undergone in external laboratories independently for every product/series.

Sustainable wrap-around labels

Eco-friendlier OPP labels for PET bottles can be made from ISCC Plus certified recycled raw materials or plant-based raw materials, thus contributing to the creation of a circular economy.

Sustainable labels

Environmentally friendly self-adhesive labels help brands to achieve their sustainability goals. Eco-friendly labels are intended to reduce the use of fossil-based plastics, to preserve natural resources, and implement the principles of circular economy. Sustainable labels can also facilitate waste sorting and improve the quality of secondary raw materials.

Carbon footprint report

As a company committed to reducing our environmental impact, we have conducted a comprehensive carbon footprint report for our flexible packaging. In this report, we assess the CO₂e emissions of our packaging production and provide a demonstration of how the carbon footprint of certain flexible packaging can be monitored and improved.


Thank you!


Download the report



    What is carbon footprint?

    In this video, you’ll know more about carbon footprint and how it relates to flexible packaging.

    Sustainability in the company

    We strive to be an eco-friendly business.

    Environmental management

    We try to develop a sustainable business and inspire others through our daily tasks and results. As we understand, sustainable development comprises economic, natural, and social aspects. To emphasize this, we invest in all three sectors.

    Green energy

    The majority of productive resources is electricity, therefore, as a long-term perspective, we have chosen to consume 100% of our electricity from renewable sources. A certified supply of green energy ensures process control and promotes further development of renewable energy in Lithuania.


    We strive to reduce total consumption of electricity by increasing production efficiency. In 2021, the consumption of electricity required to produce 1 kilometer of packaging was reduced by 7% in comparison to the previous year.

    Waste recycling

    We, as packaging manufacturers, care about the sustainability of our products as much as about the proper application of production waste. In cooperation with plastic recyclers, we try to reduce the number of plastics that end up in landfills or gets burned and contribute to a circular economy.

    Reduced air pollution

    Regenerative Thermo Oxidizer (RTO) is a device used to abate the release of waste into the air up to 98% by converting it into thermal energy that is used for heating the premises. This advanced and significant investment reduces the consumption of natural gas and ensures that the inevitable volatile compounds of the printing process would not pollute the environment.

    Human welfare

    Employee safety

    Employee well-being is ensured by an occupational health and safety policy. We take care of employee health and a safe work environment, assess the potential risks, and take preventive measures to avoid those risks.

    Human rights

    The development of socially responsible business is verified by the SEDEX SMETA IV PILLAR audit passed in 2020 and by the silver EcoVadis medal award. Obligations to the employees include, but are not limited to, promotion of youth education, respect of employees’ opinions, ensuring safe working conditions and health standards, competitive remuneration, intolerance to discriminatory practices, harassment, bullying, and conforming to the highest standards of business ethics.

    Business ethic

    Personal reward for work is not allowed

    No understandings shall be performed neither within the company nor with third parties which stipulate the personal monetary, exchange, service, or any other reward.

    Only legal commission fees for intermediaries

    Commission fees for agents, authorized representatives, or similar service providers can be paid only under the terms provided for in the agreement signed in advance.

    Legal business relations

    Business relations are fostered only with business operators of high reputation and acting in good faith. The reputation of the business is assessed by accessing and judging from publicly available and/or business operator provided data.

    No fees are paid to civil servants

    No fees are paid to civil servants that are not mandated by law or are not under the agreement concluded with state authorities.

    Gifts and payments to and from third parties are not allowed

    No payments are made, and no gifts are accepted or offered to third parties to accelerate ordinary commercial processes and/or to procure special conditions.

    The workforce protects the good faith of the company

    The workforce undertakes all the necessary measures to ensure good faith and protect the company’s reputation.

    Upon suspicion of fraudulent activity, the workforce may undertake adequate measures on their own

    To prevent fraudulent activity or to report suspicions thereof, the workforce notifies their immediate superior or HR department. To remain anonymous, the workforce may voice their suspicions by using the confidential letter box.

    Prevention of fraudulent activity

    At least once per year, the HR department guides the employees on how to spot fraudulent activity and informs them about the actions they could take to prevent such activity. The employees are also acquainted with the guidelines of tolerable behavior in effort to maintain the high reputation of the company.

    Let’s print together!

    We invite you to become partners in an open, constructive, and long-lasting partnership.
    P.S. We are printers, not spammers. Feel safe to send your request.

    Contact us

    Contact us

    How can I help you?

    Questions submitted after working hours will be responded to in no later than 12 hours.

      Contact person

      Roberta Petravičiūtė

      +370 37 363 666